NEW Gommage Exfoliant - Biological Skin Peeling

Grain-free exfoliant which gently removes dead cells and promotes cell renewal...refining, brightening & smoothing the complexion, with a unique ability to calm and exfoliate the skin at the same time.

  • Active ingredients

    Jasmine extract

    Softens the skin

    Kaolin and rice starch powders, oat flour

    Gently removes dead skin cells while calming the skin.

  • Use

    Apply a thin, even coverage (3-5ml) to a dried skin following cleansing. Allow Gommage to dry for about 1 minute then holding the skin rub the Gommage off with the fingertips. Rinse off any remnant of Gommage Exfoliant from the skin and gently towel dry. Then apply SOTHYS Treatment Lotion, Serums and Creams according to skin type. Use 1-2 x per week.

  • Aromatics




  • Benefits

    Gentle formulation, suits all skin types, lightens and refines skin texture, assists absorption of treatment serums and creams.

  • Advice

    Gommage Exfoliant is recommended prior to the use of Desquacrem or Morning Cleanser to help the penetration and the deep cleansing action of these deep biological cleansers. Do not peel over pustules or on sensitive skin.

Product for : Skin type - All skin types Contains : Tube 50ml